Thursday, September 25, 2008

T.I.: AKOO dropping along with album “Paper Trail”

"In an interview with Clinton Sparks at KarmaloopTV, the rapper reminded what AKOO stands for: “A King Of Oneself”, and not Akoo-na Matata, although it reminds him of happy times LOL.

Anyway, TI is due to report to jail really soon and he’s gonna be away for one year. We just hope we still see him attending the AKOO launch. The king himself is really excited as well about his new album, titled “Paper Trail” that’s scheduled to drop on September 30th, but not too happy with the leaked tracks.

“I was excited about the album being done, but I’m really upset about the tracks coming out.”

Yeah. Not cool indeed.

Well, we know what’s cool, though. As Clinton Sparks say in the interview, go buy a sweater from AKOO and listen to the album.

Yes siree, we will do just that!"

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